Livestreaming: Part Two

To continue our series on livestreaming, this week we’ll cover how to structure your livestream as well as ideas on what to livestream about.

How to Structure

Livestreaming is much like organizing a dinner party; the atmosphere changes depending how many people show up!

If one person shows up, the livestream will feel more like a meeting. If many attend it can turn into a classroom. Or, if it’s your most devoted followers, it will feel more like an intimate gathering.

Plan for one hour to get the best engagement, and be sure to plan accordingly. For instance, if you have a 30 minute interview scheduled, include 15 minutes of talking points prepared before and after the interview.

When you go lives, use the first few minutes to chat with your viewers so you can get used to the speed of comments coming in. If there aren’t any comments, run through an outline of what the livestream will entail. You don’t want to jump into things too quickly as you’ll likely have to repeat yourself as more attendees join.

Ways to Use Livestreaming

When it comes to livestreaming, there are many ideas! Check out this list for ideas and tips:

  • Launch a new product: This is a great option for shoppers interested in a first look of your product.
  • Q&A: Be prepared for down time in this one! Have stories or talking points on hand for when questions are slow coming in.
  • Interview: This is a great option if you’re uncomfortable being on camera the entire time. Plus you’ll get a variety of styles and personality types.
  • Teach a new skill: Publisher Heidi Kaisand’s quilt shop, Hens and Chicks Studio, goes live every Tuesday afternoon to show a new project or technique.
  • Chat and craft: Tik Tok-ers do this best. Set up your camera to focus on what you’re making. If you like to talk while you craft, then this is the best option for you.
  • Go behind the scenes: This is the best for promoting events. Show people how the sausage is made when decorating your shop or making treats.

Next week we’ll cover best practices, promotion, and livestreaming options. Inspiration for this post came from “Connect Through Livestreaming” by Sommer Leigh published in the December 2021 issue of American Quilt Retailer.

Even though it’s two months away, it’s not too early to register for AQR Academy: The Buzz – Spring Fling held virtually on April 7 from 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Door prizes are available and the day will be packed with product videos! Don’t worry if you can’t make it, but still be sure to register to get access to the recording after the event.

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