Creative Retailer: About Us
Since 1994, independent shop owners have relied on the trade publication American Quilt Retailer as a trusted source for information and resources to improve their businesses. Over the years, it became clear that independent retailers in addition to those running quilt shops would benefit from information curated for business growth
As we expand our reach into all areas of creative industry, our name is changing from American Quilt Retailer to Creative Retailer. Working with a network of respected advertising partners and business experts, Creative Retailer delivers accurate, unbiased editorial content on up-to-date product information and covers basic retailing concepts, industry trends, product information, business profiles, display ideas, and more.
Learn more about our products, staff, and business experts below.
Creative Retailer keeps you up-to-date with ideas, practices, and trends in creative industries.
We work with business experts and advertising partners to inspire, motivate, and guide independent shop owners to success.
In person and web-based events allow participants to connect with business experts and network with independent business owners.